I don't know if I ever mentioned that I am a painfully slow stitcher. I marvel at how fast most people seem to stitch. Perhaps I'm a wee bit jealous.
I don't keep track of the hours it takes me to accomplish just a small design (like those below) but suffice it to say that if I did, I might just throw in the towel on stitching.
This is the owl design from the Prairie Schooler's Boo To You leaflet.
This witch is a design from The Prairie Schooler's leaflet "Boo to You" I changed some of the colors on this to suit me. I like witches with green skin.
I recently received this fantastic little pillow from Becky K. We had been in touch through e-mail and decided it would be fun to do a Halloween exchange. She stitched on both sides! I can really appreciate the time she spent on this little gift. I ordered some scissors to grace this little pillow. I tied a green ribbon to it in order to attach it to my scissors. It matches the cat's eyes.
I received this cute little doll with the Halloween ornament attached so creatively from Marie P. this past Friday. What a thoughtful surprise.
The little haunted house is a design from Prairie Schooler and Marie personalized the back of it. Thanks again, Marie.
Halloween will be a very special day for me this year because my last chemotherapy session happens to fall on it. To say I'm excited that it's coming to an end may be an understatement. I probably will have to have some radiation treatments but I'm just looking forward to living without nausea.
Thanks so much for stopping by. I hope you are enjoying the autumn cool and colors.